

1. What is the difference between 4m 6cm and 2Dam 7dm?

2. Find the sum of 9kg 4hg and 2kg 10Dag

3. Which fraction is bigger among the following? 2/5, 9/15 and 4/21

4. The meeting started at 4:40 and ended at 7:20, how long did it take?

5. Change 400l into Dal.

6. Subtract 4cm 6mm from one metre.

7. How much will you spend if you buy the following items?

      4 books @ 2500/=

      3 mangoes @ 500/=

      6 bags for 20000/=

8. What will be the total price of the following items?

     11 pens @ 200/=

     2 pencils @ 100/=

     10 books @ 2 books 400=

     9 rubbers @ 3 rubbers 150/=

9. If you purchase the following items:

     10kg of rice @ 2kg 4000/=

     4 kg of meat for 10,000/=

     60 tomatoes @ 100/=

How much will you get as change after paying 100,000/=?

10. Multiply (4hr 16min) by 5.

Prepared and Added by:

*** Mr. Yahya M (Badshah) ***

0621110715 / 0717321354

Category: STD 5 | Added by: Admin (17/Jul/2017) | Author: Yahya Mohamed E W
Views: 415 | Rating: 0.0/0
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