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Easiest way to detect copyright infringement



This time I want to show you how you can detect copyright infringement of your articles from your website or blog.


Some people are very much lazy and don’t write their own articles in order to publish fresh posts to their blog, this may be due to lack of certain information or idea about what a one should write.


Many people are very much advised to start a blog and find the niche that will be easy for them to control, this advice aims at avoiding this copyright infringement. So you may have a new blog that has yet low traffic but you wrote  very  fresh and interesting articles that may impress anybody and might be the root point for increasing your traffics but you don’t get enough views, so you may wonder why this situation?


This may occur when someone with a professional blog which has enough traffic copied your contents and pasted to his/her blog. So all people reach there without coming to your blog. This is because, that blog will be first displayed in search engine results before you, because it is older than your blog.


So let me tell you something. You should know some techniques to detect where your contents are found apart from your own blog.


Search engine like Google is the easiest way to use for such task. Just find a full sentence of any of your articles that you want to check, copy full sentence or even two lines sentence and go to search engine like Google (I recommend because this is easy and most popular) then paste in it.


You will see results of all websites or blog with such article and the sentence you pasted will be bolded. So it is good luck if results are of your own blog but if some one inserted in his or her blog, such blog will be included there.


Note that if you like your contents to be copied for your benefits just add links to your articles or add some JavaScript that will automatically add your page link when it is pasted some where. This will link back to your blog.


When adding new article just edit as HTML and then add this code to your HTML at the very beggining of your article.


Javascript Code:


<script type="text/javascript">

function addLink() {

        var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

        var selection;

        selection = window.getSelection();

        var pagelink = "<br /><br /> Read more at: <a href='"+document.location.href+"'>"+document.location.href+"</a><br />

<br>Copyright &copy; My site name "; // change this if you want

        var copytext = selection + pagelink;

        var newdiv = document.createElement('div');




        newdiv.innerHTML = copytext;


        window.setTimeout(function() {




document.oncopy = addLink;



But if you want to totally strict people to copy, you can use the following java script also using the same method as above.


Javascript Code:


<div id="test" onmousedown='return false;' onselectstart='return false;'>


I hope this will help you enough, but it is better to make a good relationship  with your fellow bloggers and you may exchange links with them.

Category: COMPUTER | Added by: Admin (21/Aug/2013)
Views: 4783 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Agus Karisma  
0 Spam
Thank you very much for the tip. very useful :D

2 Admin  
0 Spam
you'r welcome

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